Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Tessa Turns Three Months Old!

Tess continues to grow in leaps and bounds. She is a very long little baby in the 90th percentile. At three months she's very easily filling out her 3-6 month outfits. Tess does great at holding up her head and shoulders. She's starting to do little curls or crunches while lying on her back. Tess doesn't say a whole lot yet, but is very attentive and alert to what's going on around her. When we do catch her eye, she's got a big bright smile for us. Lately she seems to be favoring sucking on her thumbs. So we'll see where that goes -- just loves to have something in her mouth regardless -- a nuk, her shirt, a blanket, etc. The last two weeks or so we seem to have a night time routine. Woohoo! To bed around 10 pm and usually not up again until 5 or 6 am. Sleep is so nice. : )

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