Friday, September 05, 2008


Emily's Wedding

My youngest sister Emily was married on July 13 to Lewis Jiles. We started the day out at the hair salon. The girls were so excited to get their hair done and LOVED their fancy "princess" hair-dos. They posed here with my cousin, Jessica and sisters Jenny and Emily.

Our Family Sister Kerri, Brother Andy, Sister Jenny
Lauren, Lewis, and Katie
The wedding day was beautiful! The service was beautiful. We had such a great day and special times with so many family and friends!

At the reception Lauren caught the bouquet!! The guy who caught the garter was even gracious enough to dance with her too. It was really sweet. Kaitlin and her sisters danced the night away! Lauren was very shy at first, but once Heath made her get out on the dance floor their was no going back! We couldn't believe how they kept going and going and the Energizer bunnies. Great fun was had by all!

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