Monday, November 17, 2008


All I want for Christmas is... two front teeth! For a week Katie's had this front tooth just dangling there. We'd try to pull it and it kept hangin' on. She looked like an old snaggletoothed mountain man. (She loved it when we called her that by the way!) So this morning when she wakes up and sits up, the tooth falls out of her mouth. And that was that. Enjoy our cute little toothless wonder!


The Art Fair Results!

This year's theme for the Art Fair was Patriotic. Lauren chose to do a sculpture of the Washington Monument with Crayola Modeling Compound and 50 little flags she colored and glued onto toothpicks. She worked real hard at getting all those little flags finished in time. And it paid off -- not only did she get a blue ribbon, but a purple one too! "Best in 1st Grade Show."

Kaitlin decided to do a colored pencil drawing of the NY harbor and Statue of Liberty on the 4th of July. There are colorful glitter glue fireforks and stars in the sky. She was excited to get a first place blue ribbon too.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Halloween Fun

Happy Halloween! The girls had tons of fun dressing up as cheetahs and a ladybug. We had a nice night out. Mia keeps telling everyone that next year she's going to be a wicked witch. Hmmm....not sure about that. I think the cow costume is waiting for you, Mia.


Carving Pumpkins

The girls had no school on Oct. 31 for Parent/Teacher Conferences. We had a wild and crazy morning carving our pumpkins and getting excited for the big night!

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