Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Our First Day of Kindergarten!

Lauren and Kaitlin attended their first day of Kindergarten. The excitement could hardly be contained! They started the day with an opening children's service which we stuck around for. Afterwards they headed back to their classrooms. They got to do calendar time and learned about their jobs. Katie is the chalkboard eraser and Lauren the greeter. She gets to give each person who comes in a handshake, high five, smile and wave, or a hug. (Right down her alley!) They got to go outside for recess, and snack from their new lunchboxes was great. No math for Lauren -- she was sure they were going to do math today. Oh well! I'm sure there's plenty coming! : ) On the way out the door they had gotten star shaped sunglasses. They got to pick them out of the treasure box for "good behavior." (Glad to see they've started out on the right note!) On the way home Kaitlin exclaimed, "I love going to school!" I guess that sums it up!

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